
7 Kommentare

  1. Il fatto che abbia accantonato così presto il segnale di breve girandosi subito mi puzza di accelerazione ribassista in arrivo. Certo c’è ancora 13828 da rompere, ma se i bancari non aprono subito il paracadute il bottom si spappola.Il DOW JONES intanto sembra aver sparato a vuoto l’attacco ai massimi e se lo spread BTP/BUND torna a 400.. i due fattori potrebbero fare una miscela esplosiva da panic selling. Comunque, quale sia la direzione, mi sembra ci siano tutti gli elementi per un movimento in arrivo di quelli belli tosti…

  2. I didn't have breakfast! Crap! Now I'm hungry. My pancakes are somewhere in between those two. A small pat of butter on each one and sugar free butter flavored syrup generously poured on. Are those your pictures? They are great…

  3. That’s a well-thought-out answer to a challenging question

  4. Shannon, I've been looking for inexpensive,little houses to add around the house. All the dollar store ones look so cheap. Thank you for the gorgeous,transformation tip….can't wait to see more of your Holiday ideas and beautiful decor!

  5. I watched it happen live on T.V. The planes hitting the buildings, people jumping to their deaths to escape the fire. All the schools closed, Disney World closed, and Disney World never closes! (I was living in Orlando at the time) People went to gun shops, and Walmart to buy ammo, and stock up on supplies. It kind of reminded me of the movie Red Dawn minus the Russians. It was a truly horrific event, and a wake up call for this country. R.I.P. to all who perished that day. Great vid Piz!

  6. that you should only check email a few days per day at specific intervals is one of the methods touted for dealing with inbox overload, as well as for reaching the so-called nirvana known as

  7. aw!good!i’m now tryin hard to make an album having all my pics from wen i was small to now. but it has come to a temporary standstill coz many of my fotos are there! :(hey rahman fan club-la enna marandhuttiyae? 😀

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